Autographer photos on a 3D model of Sydney and a model of La Perouse Museum
A challenge we will come up against is getting everything at the right scale. How large should the world map be relative to the size of each photo? Should photos that are more important be larger? How will we get an accurate scale relation between different models (for example, the La Perouse area model and landmark models such as the Museum and Tower)?
If one tends to stay put while wearing an Autograher, the resulting 3D spatial representation of the images gets much harder to view and interpret. If we’re going to make some kind of narrative, it will either have to be continuously moving or we will have to find a way to expand the close together data
Images from Volker’s test of the Autographer. Note all the images close together from sitting in a coffee shop
We were split up into two groups for the project so that we could focus on different approaches to the Project. I am to be more focused on the technical aspects of the project which is a relief because I’m terrible at all this critical analysis kind of stuff.
While discussing how we might come up with a narrative arc, Hannah made the important point that presenting a photo trail narrative is too simplistic. We should be thinking about the interaction viewers can have with the work and the way they can explore the concepts of memory loss whilst taking part in the experience. Maybe we can allow users to explore the landscape, coming across fragments and unclear snapshots and attempting to salvage the rest of the memory.
Some notes I took during the class (Amanda Barnier was there):
Why La Perouse was picked as the location
Not as touristy as somewhere like Sydney Harbour
Make use of the features of the landscape
Engaging a bodily experience
Physical actions, beginning and end points
Encoding and layering of memory
Identity memory
Sensory memory and SenseCam, SenseCam retains everything we usually discard
Shared experience of childbirth, shared but dissimilar
Being behind your own eyes or being off and intellectual, rumination.
Oscar Pistorius and the cross-examination memory reconstruction alteration
The flood of sensory memory captured by a SenseCam
Ideas for the Project
We could follow couples around the area as the explore the area
The water, digging things up, time capsule. Time frames
Views from a lower angle indicates a child’s perspective
The dimension of time
Different people observing the same things can remember different things. We encode memories that are relevant to us. SenseCam grabs everything.
Shells and shell arrangement from La Perouse history
I can't remember what I did this morning, how am I meant to remember what I did in The Amnesia Project