Presentation for Week 6: Beyond Lifelogging

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Some key points from the presentation:

There are the Five R’s of human memory.

Recollecting is to do with the location of lost objects, faces, names and specifics like that. An Autographer or SenseCam can help with that. Reminiscing is a specific form of recollecting and is done for sentimental purposes. Facebook is good for this, as is the share functions on most things. Retrieving is for getting specifics like documents or other information. Cloud storage and other business tools are examples of tools that deal with retrieving. These tools are not visually oriented, they are primarily utilitarian. Reflecting is used to discover useful information from patterns in past information.It can be for learning and self-identity. Remembering intention is the final R, its deals with prospective events and planning the future. It is not relevant to the objectives of most lifeloggers, although it seems to be the way online services such as Google are heading.